Jake Tonkel Runs for City Council, 2020

Election Date: 11/03/2020

Election Results

Not elected

Place: 2 (4 running for 1 seats)
20840 votes (46.13 %)
General election (Non-Partisan, Single Seat, Plurality, Municipal) - (Certified results)

Location: San Jose, CA
District: District 6
Office term length: 4 years

Non-Partisan Race

Campaign Links

Website: https://jake4d6.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jake4d6/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jake4d6/
Smart Voter / Voters Edge Page:
Vote USA:
Link to Local/County/State Party Endorsement:
Link to Primary Election Results:
General Election Ballot Qualification Details: Finished 2nd/4 candidates in March 3, 2020 primary. Since no candidate received a majority, the first two place finishers advance to November general election run-off. https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CA/Santa_Clara/101316/web.241347/#/detail/38


Finished 2nd/4 candidates in March 3, 2020 primary, with 7511 votes and 27.89% as of March 16. Since no candidate received a majority, the first two place finishers advance to November general election run-off. https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CA/Santa_Clara/101316/web.241347/#/detail/38 • https://www.sanjoseinside.com/2020/03/04/green-party-challenger-forces-a-runoff-in-san-joses-d6-race/